A Drop of Nelson’s Blood

Author: SR Sellens

Playhouse Thoughts: Fun little one-shot with great roleplay potential and lots of intrigue, and likely a good gateway scenario for keepers / players who have not run a Regency period scenario before.

Blurb: October 1815: it is 10 years since Lord Nelson fell at the Battle of Trafalgar, and a celebratory dinner is being hosted by Vice-Admiral Sir James Bell to commemorate this anniversary. The investigators, along with a small group of dignitaries, are invited to the administrative heart of the Royal Navy for what promises to be a memorable evening. Those gathered all harbour dark secrets, and something is out for their blood. 

A Drop of Nelson's Blood is a Regency who-dunnit with a mythos twist, taking inspiration from the 19th Century sea shanty of the same name. With great roleplaying potential and lots of intrigue, this is a good gateway scenario for keepers and players who have not played in the Regency era before. 

A Drop of Nelson's Blood is intended for 2-4 investigators to play in a single sitting (2-4 hours).


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